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AMIGOBOT is based on an ARCS-style architecture stripped to its barest bones for affordable use in multi-robot and classroom applications. Rangefinding is handled by six forward and two rear sonar; shaft encoders track x,y,theta position. Differential drive and nearly holonomic design provide good mobility over carpet edges and small sills. Sensor, motor and power monitoring and control information is sent in packets over a wireless or tethered RS232 serial connection to your PC. Payload maximum is 1kg (2lbs). The AmigoBot is designed as a closed system to discourage internal tampering rather than encouraging extenisibility as do other MobileRobots bases. AmigoBot includes ARIA API libraries for C++ under Linux or WIN2000/XP.
Produktsprache: Englisch Erschienen: unbekannt
Versandgewicht: 0,0 kg
Hersteller: Mobile Robots Marke: Mobile Robots
Artikel Nr.: AMI0002
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