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BAM Bluetooth Adapter Modul


Control your iRobot Create Programmable Robot wirelessly from up to 300 feet away! With the BAM (Bluetooth Adapter Module) for Create you will have complete wireless control of your iRobot Create from any Windows or Linux PC or Macintosh computer. The BAM connects to the Create's expansion port - without any extra wires or cables, providing a virtual serial port connection between the computer and the Create robot. In this way, the computer can communicate with iRobot Create in the same manner as if the robot was attached via a serial cable. This version of the BAM includes connections to Create's inputs, outputs and power controls for adding additional sensors. For best performance use with the Bluetoth USB radio connected to your computer.

Example Applications: Drive Create remotely, and stream sensor data over the Internet, with a PC-hosted Web server. Develop complex control algorithms or computer programs that run from youýre your computer. Control Create from a Bluetooth-enabled PDA or cell phone-

Produktinformation zu: BAM Bluetooth Adapter Modul

Produktsprache: Englisch   Erschienen: unbekannt
Versandgewicht: 0,3 kg
Hersteller: iRobot  Marke: iRobot
Artikel Nr.: 4828

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